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3.6L V6
APR 6.50%. Estimated monthly lease payment based on 48 months, 20,000 miles per year, and $0 due at signing. Lessee pays for excess wear and tear per mile over 20,000 per year. See dealer for complete details. Estimated payment may exclude estimated taxes, tag, title and fees. Security deposit required. Estimation is based on selling price of $71,488 with down payment of $0 for an adjusted capitalized cost of $71,488.
Prices include all available qualifying rebates/incentives: not all consumers will qualify. Price may not include first month's payment, taxes, license, title fees, insurance, and dealer charges. This estimate should be used as a guide, and all lease terms must be verified before a sale is complete. Dealer is not responsible for data entry errors. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings.
Offer Expires: 09/30/2024.Lease for Only $254 per week*6.5% for 48 months
5.49% APR Financing with $0 down for well qualified buyers on approved credit by GM Financial. Maximum term financing is 84 months. $14.37 per $1,000 borrowed. Based on Price of $71,488. Offer Expires: 09/30/2024.
Finance $238 per week*5.49% for 84 months
Key Features
- Anti Lock Braking System
- Sun / Moonroof
- Premium Sound
- Remote Start
- Universal Garage Door Opener